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Gene 1 Gene 2 Interaction Type Sentence Value Judge me
MAPK p38 associate1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) signaling cascades trigger stimulus-specific responses in cells with ERK being associated with proliferation and differentiation , and JNK SAPK and p38 media 70 good bad
MAPK rho bind1 Because p65PAK is known to be upstream of p38MAPK and also be a target of p21rac-1 , which belongs to the rho subfamily of p21ras-related small GTP-binding proteins , these results strongly suggested 22 good bad
MAPK lipoxygenase bind3 The oxidized lipid and lipoxygenase product 12 ( S ) -hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid induces hypertrophy and fibronectin transcription in vascular smooth muscle cells via p38 MAPK and cAMP response elem 16 good bad
MAPK PKC complex2 Together , the data suggest that DA activated MAPK ERK via Ras , Raf-1 kinase , and DAG-dependent PKC isoenzymes , but , importantly and contrary to the classical model , this pathway did not involve 15 good bad
MAPK Erk associate3 However , while pretreatment of U937 cells with the kinase inhibitors PD98059 and SB203580 abrogated the osmotic activation of Erk and p38 MAPK , respectively , it did not prevent the associated stimu 10 good bad
MAPK ERK1 bind3 These results suggest that the nPKC isoforms produce a unique shift in MAPK activity , via a Ras , MEKK1 , MEK3 pathway , to increase p38delta and inhibit ERK1 2 , and ultimately increase C EBPalpha 9 good bad
MAPK Ras bind1 The Ras family of GTP-binding proteins are key transducers of extracellular signals , particularly through the mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) pathway . 9 good bad
MAPK blr1 complex2 Upstream signaling requirements of retinoic acid ( RA ) -induced blr1 expression and downstream signaling consequences of blr1 over-expression in a human myeloid leukemia cell line demonstrate that mi 6 good bad
mapk JNK complex1 The inhibitory effect of p38 ( mapk ) appears more complex and may be due to the ability of p38 ( mapk ) to inhibit LPS-induced JNK activation . 5 good bad
MAPK PKA complex1 CONCLUSION : These findings show that the stimulation of NO production by IL-17 is mediated mainly by a complex activation of kinases , especially PKA , NF-kappaB , and MAPK . 5 good bad
MAPK calcineurin associate3 Recently many reports have revealed that calcineurin and stress activated protein kinase ( SAPK ) p38-mitogen activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) hypertrophic signalling pathways are associated with th 4 good bad
MAPK CREB bind1 Here , we have investigated the effects of stress on the expression of three members of the MAPK extracellular-regulated kinase ( ERK ) pathway such as phospho-ERK1 , phospho-ERK2 and phospho-cAMP c 4 good bad
MAPK CREB bind1 Transfection with dominant negative ( dn ) forms of CREB and C EBP , the two CRE-binding transcription factors targeted by the p38 MAPK pathway , resulted in opposite effects i . 4 good bad
MAPK ERK bind1 A docking domain in extracellular-signal-regulated kinase ( ERK ) , a MAPK , serves as a common site for binding to the MAPK kinase MEK1 , the MAPK-activated protein kinase MNK1 and the MAPK phosphata 4 good bad
MAPK HOG1 complex2 The recent discovery of two other MAPK subtypes , the JNK SAPK subfamily and p38 RK ( mammalian equivalents of HOG1 in yeast ) , reveals extreme complexity within the family and , most intriguingly 4 good bad
MAPK plasmin bind3 Here we demonstrate that in human primary monocytes plasmin stimulates mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) signaling via phosphorylation of MAPK kinase ( MKK ) 3 6 and p38 MAPK that triggers su 4 good bad
MAPK ANG interact3 The molecular mechanism ( s ) of insulin action is mediated , at least in part , via interaction of the functional IRE with unidentified 48- and 70- kDa nuclear proteins in the rat ANG gene and is MAP 3 good bad
MAPK AP-1 bind1 This Lf-induced AP-1 DNA binding activity was reduced by a p38 MAPK inhibitor . 3 good bad
MAPK EGFR bind1 The EGFR is a receptor tyrosine kinase , and after binding of its ligand , it triggers several intracellular signaling cascades , among them the one activating the mitogen-activated protein kinases ( 3 good bad
MAPK Epo bind1 In FDCER cell lines , which express endogenous c-Kit , the signaling capacities of such minimal Epo receptor forms ( ER-HY343 and ER-HY343F ) have been dissected to reveal : 1 ) that Epo-dependent mit 3 good bad
MAPK p42 complex1 This tethered receptor complex enables coincident integrative signalling to p42 p44 MAPK . 3 good bad
MAPK Bad associate2 These effects were blocked by U0126 , a mitogen-activated protein kinase Erk kinase 1 2 inhibitor , suggesting an association between Bad phosphorylation and MAPK activation . 2 good bad
MAPK ERK1 bind3 These results suggest that the nPKC isoforms produce a unique shift in MAPK activity , via a Ras , MEKK1 , MEK3 pathway , to increase p38delta and inhibit ERK1 2 , and ultimately increase C EBPalpha 2 good bad
MAPK PI interact3 The interactions between the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase ( PI 3-kinase ) and Ras MAPK kinase pathways have been the subject of considerable interest . 2 good bad
MAPK IKK interact2 Kinase assays indicated that ATA inhibited IkappaB kinase ( IKK ) , extracellular signal-regulated kinase ( ERK ) , and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) activity both in vivo and in vitro 1 good bad
MAPK JNK complex2 The upstream JNK activators apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 ( ASK1 ) and mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) kinase 4 were also found in complex with beta-arrestin 2 . 1 good bad
MAPK JNK complex2 Wortmannin-mediated activation of the SAPK JNK and p38 MAPK pathways also resulted in the mobilization of activator protein-1 complex to the nuclear compartment . 1 good bad
MAPK Trk bind1 Although a previous study suggested that ShcB and ShcC do not strongly interact with the Trk receptors ( 1 ) , we find that ShcB and ShcC bind the Trk receptors in a phosphotyrosine dependent manner v 1 good bad
MAPK CBP bind1 Here we show that transcriptional activation of an AP1-regulated gene through the mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) -extracellular signal-regulated kinase ( ERK ) pathway ( MAPK ( ERK ) ) is c 0 good bad
MAPK ERK associate3 Contrary to our expectations , ERK and JNK , the MAPK pathways traditionally associated with cell growth and perhaps malignant transformation , were not consistently activated in the human lung tumor 0 good bad
MAPK rin interact1 Mutations in rin G3BP genetically interact with components of the Ras signaling pathway that function at the level of Ras and above , but not with Raf MAPK pathway components . 0 good bad
MAPK tau associate1 These findings indicate that MAPK ERK-P , SAPK JNK-P and p-38-P are differentially expressed in association with tau deposits in tauopathies . 0 good bad
MAPK RXR bind1 How IL-1beta signaling leads to reduced RXR : RAR nuclear binding activity is unknown , and we sought to determine if mitogen activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) pathways were involved . -1 good bad
MAPK ang bind1 Co-incubation with ang II and high glucose had no additive effect on TGF-beta1 promoter activity , protein binding to the AP-1 box B or activation of p38 MAPK . -2 good bad
MAPK JNK interact1 Stress-activated protein kinase ( SAPK ) pathway-regulating phosphatase 1 ( SKRP1 ) has been identified as a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) phosphatase ( MKP ) family that int -2 good bad
MAPK MK2 bind1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) -activated protein kinase 2 ( MK2 ) is activated upon stress by p38 MAPKalpha and -beta , which bind to a basic docking motif in the C terminus of MK2 and whi -2 good bad
MAPK TFI interact3 In these cells , the physical interaction between COUP-TFI and hERalpha increases the affinity of hERalpha for ERK2 p42 ( MAPK ) , resulting in an enhanced phosphorylation state of the hERalpha Ser11 -2 good bad
MAPK PI associate3 Thrombin-mediated MAPK activation was modulated by PI-PLC , Ca2 + , PKC , tyrosine kinase , and PI 3-kinase associated with cell proliferation in canine cultured TSMCs . -3 good bad
MAPK AP-1 bind1 The AP-1 complex contained phosphorylated c-Jun and ATF2 and its DNA binding activity was blocked by the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 . -4 good bad
MAPK p42 bind2 Binding of chemokines to their receptors on leukocytes leads to the activation of heterotrimeric G proteins that initiate multiple signaling cascades , including p38 and p42 p44 mitogen-activated pro -4 good bad
MAPK JNK interact1 Stress-activated protein kinase ( SAPK ) pathway-regulating phosphatase 1 ( SKRP1 ) has been identified as a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) phosphatase ( MKP ) family that int -5 good bad
MAPK Myt1 interact1 We have found that Myt1 is likely to be the Mos target in this process , as Mos interacts with Myt1 in oocyte extracts and Mos triggers Myt1 phosphorylation on some sites in vivo , even in the absence -13 good bad
MAPK MUK bind1 MAPK upstream kinase ( MUK ) -binding inhibitory protein , a negative regulator of MUK dual leucine zipper-bearing kinase leucine zipper protein kinase . -17 good bad
MAPK PTEN interact3 Interactions of PPARgamma with X-RARalpha , protein kinase R ( PKR ) , PTEN , and mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) have been described . -51 good bad
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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002