[Molvis-list] Marvin 4.0 released, MarvinSpace launched

Alex Allardyce aa at chemaxon.com
Wed Aug 17 11:35:39 EDT 2005


Excuse cross postings.

Marvin 4.0 has been released. The package includes a new 3D rendered 
macromolecule visualization tool, MarvinSpace.

Changes in 4.0 release

    * 3D rotation in sketcher.
    * New templates.
    * Visualization of lone electron pairs.
    * Improved image quality in small scale.
    * MRV, CML and RDfile import/export improvements.
    * MS BMP image format is supported.
    * Calculator Plugins:
          o new plugins: Isoelectric Point, Tautomerization and Resonance
          o new topological properties in Topology Analysis plugin,
          o saving of chart results as JPEG or PNG.

MarvinSpace details
MarvinSpace is a Java based high performance 3D molecule visualization 
tool. It is available as a standalone application, as a Java Applet and 
also as a developers' toolkit with full API. MarvinSpace can visualize 
small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, crystals, various molecular 
surfaces, molecular orbitals as well as volumetric data such as 
electrostatic potential and hydrophobicity. It provides automated 
methods for molecular overlay, geometry optimization and conformer 
generation using forcefields and property calculations. Manual overlay 
of structures and manual change of internal coordinates are also 
available. Information can be added by the user through labeling and 
annotating atoms, bonds, ligands, receptors, complexes, surface regions.
To try out MarvinSpace please visit: 



Alex Allardyce
Communications Director

Chemaxon Ltd
Máramaros köz 3/a
Budapest, 1037 Hungary
Tel.: +361 4532658
Fax.: +361 4532659

e-mail: aa at chemaxon.com

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