[Molvis-list] DALI/CE

jeremy swan jeremy.swan at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 09:25:53 EDT 2006

It opens in firefox on an intel mac mini running mac os 10.4.

It's great you're able to create this, I haven't gotten into to the program
in great depth, but the scroll wheel rotates the molecule.  I'd rather it
zoom.  Also command-click and hold could move the center of the molecule as
in other programs.  I was a little confused by the menu system, but I only
have 15 minutes to see it and write back, so I'm limited.  Several windows
kept popping up to download different segments and asking to load sequences
, clear folders etc.  I'm sure this allows the user to quickly choose what's
best for them, but you may want to dummy this down and consolidate the
number of windows.

Hope that helps,

On 9/22/06, Dr. Christoph Gille <christoph.gille at charite.de> wrote:
> Hi, could you please have a very critical look at
> my DALI/CE viewer at  http://3d-alignment.eu/pdb/
> To start the Java Webstart examples you need to click on the
> jnlp files. Is it working on your OS ?
> You need Java1.4 or higher.
> The browser should open a jnlp file with the application
> .../.../jre/javaws/javaws or JAVAWS.EXE on WINDWOWS.
> Please send me your suggestions.
> Thanks Christoph
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