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cdbfasta/ 15 (13 years ago) by gpertea: sync with local src
clview/ 40 (13 years ago) by gpertea: added clview files and examples
cuffcompare/ 91 (13 years ago) by gpertea: extended 'x' code to also include interleaved exons on opposite strand
fqtrim/ 108 (12 years ago) by gpertea: made more stringent on the 5' end, other tests and fixes
gclib/ 109 (12 years ago) by gpertea: added GStr::reverse(), GAlnExtend stringency tweaks
gffread/ 65 (13 years ago) by gpertea:
gfview/ 45 (13 years ago) by gpertea: added gfview files
scripts/ 112 (12 years ago) by gpertea: added backup scripts, improved conversion for NCBI human annotation
seqalign/ 100 (13 years ago) by gpertea: adjusting params
tophat_cpp/ 111 (12 years ago) by gpertea: wip
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