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Revision: 24
Committed: Tue Jul 26 21:46:39 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by gpertea
File size: 2029 byte(s)
Log Message:
Line User Rev File contents
1 gpertea 23 #!/usr/bin/perl
2     use strict;
3     use FindBin;
5     umask 0002;
6     #the line below is needed if pvmsx is used
7     # also, the error condition is set only by the presence of $file
8     $ENV{'PATH'}=$FindBin::Bin.':'.$ENV{'PATH'};
10     #so for pvmsx to consider the task was successful, $file must be deleted!
11     #==============
12     # 1 is the name of the fasta sequence input file
13     # 2 is the # of sequences in ${1} should = 1 for this script
14     # 3 is the slice no. being processed by sx
15     # 4 is 0 if not the last file, 1 if the last file
16     # 5 is the # of sequences skipped initially
17     # 6 is the # of sequences to be processed (-1 = ALL)
18     # 7 user parameter
19     # 1 2 3 4 5 6
20     my ($file, $numpass, $slice_num, $last, $skipped, $total, $prots)=@ARGV;
21     #print STDERR "running: $0 ".join(' ',@ARGV)."\n";
22     my $usage=q{
23     Slice processing script for blat's protein-to-dnax mode;
24     Never use without a parent controllers (e.g. gridx).
25     Usage example:
26     gridx -q -N -O logs -g condor -p 20 -n 2000 -i contigdb.fa blat_protdb.psx /fs/fullpath/to/proteins.fa
27     }; #'
29     die $usage."\n" unless -s $file && $total && $prots;
30     my $fout=$file.'.gff3';
32     my $log_file='log_std';
33     my $err_file='err_log';
34     open(STDERR, '>>'.$err_file);
35     open(STDOUT, '>>'.$log_file);
37     #my $toskip=($file =~ m/_\@(\d+)_v\d+\.\d+/) ? $1 : $skipped+$numpass*($slice_num-1);
38     #my ($srvhost, $srvport)=split(/\:/,$srv);
39     #$srvport=8080 unless $srvport;
40     my $cmd="gblat -minScore=50 -minIdentity=70 -t=dnax -q=prot -out=gff -noHead $file $prots $fout";
42     #my $cmd="gmap -D $dbdir -d $gmapdb -B 2 -f 1 $file > $gmap_res";
43     my $slno=sprintf("slice:%09d",$slice_num);
44     print STDERR ">>$slno: $cmd\n";
45     &runCmd($cmd, $fout);
47     print STDERR "<<$slno: done.\n";
48     unlink($file);
49     exit 0;
51     sub runCmd {
52     my ($docmd, @todel) = @_;
53     my $errmsg = `($docmd) 2>&1`;
54     if ($? || ($errmsg=~/ERROR/si) || ($errmsg=~/Segmentation/si) || ($errmsg=~/Failed/s) || $errmsg=~/Invalid/s) {
55     print STDERR "!Error at:\n$docmd\n";
56     print STDERR "$errmsg\n";
57     foreach (@todel) {
58     unlink($_);
59     }
60     exit(1);
61     }
62     }


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