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 ../ 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 332 (17 years ago) by stehr: added constructor for trivial alignment, renamed getSequence to getAlignedSequence 282 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made get_graph a bit less memory hungry, by using a float[][] instead of double[][] Not printing warnings about missing atoms anymore 314 (17 years ago) by duarte: Checking number of fields per line in loop elements and throwing exception if count is not correect Doing tokenisation of lines through new function that takes care of possible quoted string with spaces New exception CiffileFormatError Checking 1st line of cif file has correct format: data_1xxx, if not throwing exception 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 237 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now rmsd calculation works for 2 Pdb objects where there are missing residues (unobserved) or missing atoms New Exception ConformationNotSameSizeError Still not printing out individual distances between 2 conformations (altghough it is possible) Can't specify yet a restricted range of residues to calculate rmsd only with them 326 (17 years ago) by duarte: Removed class AA and replace it by AAinfo, which reads contact types from separate file contactTypes.dat New class ContactType which contains atoms for each contact type and residue. A static object for each contact type is loaded into AAinfo upon reading the contactTypes.dat file Changed all references accordingly 326 (17 years ago) by duarte: Removed class AA and replace it by AAinfo, which reads contact types from separate file contactTypes.dat New class ContactType which contains atoms for each contact type and residue. A static object for each contact type is loaded into AAinfo upon reading the contactTypes.dat file Changed all references accordingly 337 (17 years ago) by stehr: Added two new constructors for Graph (sequence only and no parameters), changed interface of GraphAverager (pass target sequence instead of target graph), extracted constant DEFAULT_WEIGHT in Edge. 326 (17 years ago) by duarte: Removed class AA and replace it by AAinfo, which reads contact types from separate file contactTypes.dat New class ContactType which contains atoms for each contact type and residue. A static object for each contact type is loaded into AAinfo upon reading the contactTypes.dat file Changed all references accordingly 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 326 (17 years ago) by duarte: Removed class AA and replace it by AAinfo, which reads contact types from separate file contactTypes.dat New class ContactType which contains atoms for each contact type and residue. A static object for each contact type is loaded into AAinfo upon reading the contactTypes.dat file Changed all references accordingly 185 (17 years ago) by duarte: Implemented hashCode method in Contact and GenericContact. Was necessary to use these classes as keys in Maps Fixed bug in equals method in GenericContact Changed middle character from "\t" to " " in toString 337 (17 years ago) by stehr: Added two new constructors for Graph (sequence only and no parameters), changed interface of GraphAverager (pass target sequence instead of target graph), extracted constant DEFAULT_WEIGHT in Edge. 345 (17 years ago) by duarte: Fixed documentation 208 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUGS: - directed was not set when reading from cm file - pdbChainCode not set when reading from db given pdbCode - filling pdbresser2resser and resser2pdbresser hashmaps also in reading from pdb file - using "A" as chainCode when reading from pdb file - some error handling for file formats: new exception classes GraphFileFormatError and PdbfileFormatError 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 222 (17 years ago) by duarte: New secstruct2resinterval TreeMap to store secondary structure elements as a map of ss string ids to intervals New class Interval 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 242 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of doneRes ArrayList in getRanks, was redundant 326 (17 years ago) by duarte: Removed class AA and replace it by AAinfo, which reads contact types from separate file contactTypes.dat New class ContactType which contains atoms for each contact type and residue. A static object for each contact type is loaded into AAinfo upon reading the contactTypes.dat file Changed all references accordingly 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 208 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUGS: - directed was not set when reading from cm file - pdbChainCode not set when reading from db given pdbCode - filling pdbresser2resser and resser2pdbresser hashmaps also in reading from pdb file - using "A" as chainCode when reading from pdb file - some error handling for file formats: new exception classes GraphFileFormatError and PdbfileFormatError 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph 329 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added GraphAverager class and PredEval class. GraphAverager copied from HomologyPredictor (in CMPredict): doing the averaging correctly now Added method evaluatePrediction to Graph Some refactoring in Alignment and better javadocs 274 (17 years ago) by stehr: Added new SecondaryStructure object to Pdb and Graph 276 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added secondary structure to write_graph_to_db New method getNumSecStructureElements in SecondaryStructure 336 (17 years ago) by stehr: extracted constant NULL_CHAIN_CODE from ...Pdb classes, added copy() methods to NodeSet and EdgeSet, added some functionality to NodesAndEdges, new class SimilarityGraph
aapairsBounds.dat 335 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now ConstraintsMaker works also for multi atom contact types (BB and SC) and crosses (either BB/SC or any cross to a single atom contact type) New file aapairsBounds.dat with values for aminoacid side chains distance lower and upper bounds taken from statistics of a set of pdb representatives New in AAinfo: aapairs2bounds and changed getUpperBoundDistance, getUpperBoundDistance to accomodate aapairs2bounds PRMInfo: now for amber "OXT" gets transformed into "O"
contactTypes.dat 326 (17 years ago) by duarte: Removed class AA and replace it by AAinfo, which reads contact types from separate file contactTypes.dat New class ContactType which contains atoms for each contact type and residue. A static object for each contact type is loaded into AAinfo upon reading the contactTypes.dat file Changed all references accordingly
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 950)
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