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Revision: 419
Committed: Thu Nov 22 14:09:18 2007 UTC (16 years, 11 months ago) by duarte
Original Path: branches/aglappe-jung/
File size: 6454 byte(s)
Log Message:
Re-branching for JUNG2 development
Line User Rev File contents
1 lappe 289 import tools.MySQLConnection;
3     import java.sql.SQLException;
4     import java.sql.Statement;
5     import java.sql.ResultSet;
7     public class scoreTargetMoves {
9     /**
10     *
11     * calculate count, score etc. for all targetMoves
12     *
13     * @author lappe
14     */
15     static int maxRank = 21; // value to replace for non-existence of central redue in the resultvector (rank=0)
16     // higher values should penalize non-existence more
17     static int VL=1; // Verbosity Level
18 duarte 375 static final String dbserver = "white";
19     static final String user = MySQLConnection.getUserName();
20     static final String pwd = "nieve";
21 lappe 289 static MySQLConnection conn;
22 duarte 375 static String prgID = "V04";
23 duarte 390 static String backgrndDB = "cullpdb_90"; // change!!
24 duarte 339 static String hashDB = "nbhashing";
25 duarte 375 static String targetDB = "caspm";
26 lappe 289 static int sTotal, sRank;
28 duarte 366 public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException{
29 lappe 289
30 duarte 375 if (args.length<2) {
31 duarte 390 System.err.println("Must passed 2 parameters: <graph_id>, <target moves table>");
32 duarte 375 System.exit(1);
33     }
34 duarte 339 int graph_id = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
35 duarte 390 String targetMovesTable = targetDB+"."+args[1];
36 duarte 339
37 duarte 375 int num, i, j, total, rank, deltaRank=0, counter=0, nullrank=maxRank, minus, mcn, plus, pcn;
38     String sql, cid, res, sstype, nn, pred="", mres, mss, pres, pss;
39 lappe 300 Statement mstmt;
40 lappe 289 ResultSet mrsst;
42 duarte 375 conn = new MySQLConnection(dbserver,user,pwd, backgrndDB); // connection to the the background DB!
43 duarte 390 //System.out.println("Scoring Target neighborhoods "+prgID);
44 duarte 375
45 lappe 289
46 duarte 366 // preparing the result db
47 duarte 390 //sql = "drop table IF EXISTS "+scoreTableName+";";
48     //mstmt = conn.createStatement();
49     //mstmt.executeUpdate(sql);
50     //mstmt.close();
51     //sql = "create table "+scoreTableName+" select * from "+targetScore;
52     //mstmt = conn.createStatement();
53     //mstmt.executeUpdate(sql);
54     //mstmt.close();
55 lappe 289
56 duarte 375 sql = "select graph_id, cid, num, res, sstype, i, j, minus, mres, mss, mcn, plus, pres, pss, pcn, nn" +
57 duarte 390 " from "+targetMovesTable+
58 duarte 366 " WHERE graph_id="+graph_id+
59 duarte 375 " order by graph_id, cid, num, i, j ;";
60 duarte 366
61     mstmt = conn.createStatement();
62     mrsst = mstmt.executeQuery(sql);
63     counter=0;
64     while ( {
65     counter++;
66     // System.out.print("\n"+counter+":\t");
68     //graph_id = mrsst.getInt( 1);
69 duarte 375 cid = mrsst.getString(2);
70     num = mrsst.getInt(3);
71     res = mrsst.getString(4);
72     sstype = mrsst.getString(5);
73     i = mrsst.getInt(6);
74     j = mrsst.getInt(7);
75     minus = mrsst.getInt(8);
76     mres = mrsst.getString(9);
77     mss = mrsst.getString(10);
78     mcn = mrsst.getInt(11);
79     plus = mrsst.getInt(12);
80     pres = mrsst.getString(13);
81     pss = mrsst.getString(14);
82     pcn = mrsst.getInt(15);
83     nn = mrsst.getString(16);
84 duarte 366
85 duarte 375 // graph_id | cid | num | res | sstype | i | j | minus | mres | mss | mcn | plus | pres | pss | pcn | nn | total | rank | deltarank | score
86     System.out.print(graph_id+"\t"+cid+"\t"+num+"\t"+res+"\t"+sstype+"\t"+i+"\t"+j+"\t");
87 duarte 366 System.out.print(minus+"\t"+mres+"\t"+mss+"\t"+mcn+"\t"+plus+"\t"+pres+"\t"+pss+"\t"+pcn+"\t"+nn+"\t");
89     if (j==0) { // top entry / column of movematrix
90     pred=nn;
91     }
92     if (VL>=2) System.out.println("\n["+i+","+j+"]");
93     getCountRank( nn, res, pred);
94     total = sTotal;
95     rank = sRank;
96     if (i==0 && j==0) nullrank = rank;
97     deltaRank = rank-nullrank;
98     System.out.println(total+"\t"+rank+"\t"+deltaRank+"\t"+(pcn*mcn*deltaRank));
99     // graph_id | node_id | cid | num | res | sstype | i | j | minus | mres | mss | mcn | plus | pres | pss | pcn | nn | total | rank | deltarank | score
101     /*sql = "update "+scoreTableName+" set total="+sTotal+", rank="+sRank+", deltarank="+deltaRank
102 lappe 289 +" where graph_id="+graph_id+" and node_id="+node_id+" and cid='"+cid+"' and num="+num
103     +" and i="+i+" and j="+j+";";
104     nstmt = conn.createStatement();
105     nstmt.executeUpdate(sql);
106     nstmt.close();
107 duarte 366 */
108     } // end while
109 lappe 289
110 duarte 366 // Cleanup ...
111     mrsst.close();
112     mstmt.close();
114 duarte 390 //System.out.println("fin.");
115 lappe 289 } // end main
118 duarte 375 private static void getCountRank( String nbs, String centRes, String predec) throws SQLException {
119 lappe 289 String sql, res;
120     Statement stmt;
121     ResultSet rsst;
122     int counter=0, c=0, lastc=0, rank = 0;
123     boolean seenCentRes = false;
125 duarte 366 if (VL>=2) {
126     System.out.println("getCountRank for ");
127     System.out.println("nbs : "+nbs);
128     System.out.println("centRes: "+centRes);
129     }
130     String hashKey = "";
131     String hashTable = "";
132     if (nbs.replace("%", "").length()>2) { // case 1: neighbourhood at least length 2
133     hashKey = nbs.replace("%","").substring(0, 2);
134     hashTable = hashDB+"."+backgrndDB+"_"+hashKey;
135     sql = "select sum(c) from "+hashTable+" where n like '"+nbs+"';";
136     stmt = conn.createStatement();
137     rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
138     if ( sTotal = rsst.getInt( 1);
139     rsst.close();
140     stmt.close();
141     } else { // case 2: length on neighbourhood is 1: we just have 'x', we query whole table
142     sql = "select sum(c) from "+backgrndDB+".nb_equals;";
143     stmt = conn.createStatement();
144     rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
145     if ( sTotal = rsst.getInt( 1);
146     rsst.close();
147     stmt.close();
148     }
150     if (VL>=2) System.out.println( "Total : "+sTotal);
152     if (sTotal>0) {
153     if (!hashTable.equals("")) { // i.e. we set hashTable (case 1 above)
154     sql = "select res, sum(c) as t from "+hashTable+" where n like '"+nbs+"' group by res order by t DESC;";
155     } else { // i.e. we didn't set hashTable (case 2 above)
156     sql = "select res, sum(c) as t from "+backgrndDB+".nb_equals group by res order by t DESC;";
157 lappe 289 }
158 duarte 366 stmt = conn.createStatement();
159     rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
160     if (VL>=2) System.out.println("###\tres\ttotal t");
161     sRank = maxRank;
162     while ( {
163     counter++;
164     res = rsst.getString(1); // 1st column -- res
165     c = rsst.getInt( 2); // 2nds column : count/residue
166     if (VL>=2) System.out.print(counter+"\t"+res+"\t"+c);
167 lappe 289
168 duarte 366 if ((c == lastc) && (lastc>0) && seenCentRes) { // tie
169     if (VL>=2) System.out.print(" <-- TIE!");
170     rank = counter;
171     } // end if
172     if (res.equals(centRes)) {
173     if (VL>=2) System.out.print(" <== " + centRes);
174     seenCentRes = true;
175     rank = counter;
176 lappe 289 }
177 duarte 366 if (VL>=2) System.out.println(".");
178     }
179     if (VL>=2) System.out.println("=> rank "+rank);
180     rsst.close();
181     stmt.close();
182     } // endif sTotal > 0
183     if (rank==0) sRank = maxRank;
184     else sRank = rank;
185 lappe 289 } // end of getCountRank
187     } // end class