Download Application (Source Code*) Files for FirstGlance in Jmol
for developers, or for installation on your server.
Please note that if you have a satisfactory Internet connection, you do not need to download FirstGlance in Jmol in order to use it.

Important: Before downloading, please read the installation instructions.

FirstGlance in Jmol, Current Version:

This tar.gz includes the Jmol applet (both signed and unsigned) version matched to the FirstGlance code. It does not include the optional (bulky) test PDB files (see below).

If you are upgrading from a previous version, be sure to keep a safe copy of the old config.js file specific for your server's configuration! * FirstGlance in Jmol is written in two programming languages: javascript and Jmol command script. Both are interpreted languages, so when you download the application files, you are getting source code.

The Jmol applet is written in java. The jar files (java archive files) are compiled into intermediate code. The java source codes are available from You do not need Jmol source to install or to use FirstGlance in Jmol.
Obsolete Versions of FirstGlance in Jmol:
Test PDB Files: The following tar.gz is needed only for versions 0.96 - 1.0. It creates a directory "localPDBFiles" which contains test PDB files used only for a few entries in the Technical Gallery. Omitting these PDB files will not compromise the function of FirstGlance in Jmol in any other way. The subdirectory "localPDBFiles" and its contents should be placed in the same directory that contains the FirstGlance in Jmol application files, e.g. inside fgij or fgijN.NN (where N.NN is the version number)..
Jmol: Starting with version 1.0 of FirstGlance in Jmol, the tar.gz files include the Jmol applet (both signed and unsigned versions). This guarantees that the Jmol version matches the FirstGlance application code.

In the unlikely event that you want to download version 0.991 or earlier, you will need to download the matching version of Jmol from After unzipping the tar.gz, copy only these 16 files into the same directory as the FirstGlance application files: (Note that you do NOT need JmolApplet.jar nor JmolAppletSigned.jar. These are alternative forms of the applets that load less satisfactorily.)