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6.5 Step 4 - QTL Clustering

6.5.1 QTL Clustering

Now, we are ready to start the QTL meta-analysis itself using the program QTLClust.

     $java org.metaqtl.main.QTLClust -q meta-qtl/consensus_map.xml -t xml/ontology.xml \
                                     -k 10 -c 1 -o meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1 --verbose
We use here the trait ontology xml/ontology.xml so that all the observed traits are clusterized into a single meta-trait called “FT” (for Flowering Time): this means that all the observed QTL are taken into account during the meta-analysis for the meta-trait FT. Note that by setting the option -k to 10 we avoid to explore models with more than 10 meta-QTL on the chromosome.

This command generates three files into the directory meta-qtl:

So, let's have a look to the file meta-analysis_1_model.txt:

     Criterion       Chromosome      Trait   Model
     AIC     1       FT      7
     Criterion       Chromosome      Trait   Model
     AICc    1       FT      7
     Criterion       Chromosome      Trait   Model
     AIC3    1       FT      7
     Criterion       Chromosome      Trait   Model
     BIC     1       FT      7
     Criterion       Chromosome      Trait   Model
     AWE     1       FT      7

We can see that for each model choice criterion (AIC,AICc,AIC3,BIC,AWE) the best model is the model with 7 QTL clusters, i.e 7 meta-QTL. To see how the observed QTL are distributed into these 7 QTL clusters we can use the program MQTLView. In order to run MQTLView we have to create a file which tells to the program which model it has to represent. To do so, simply open the file meta-analysis_1_model.txt, keep only one line per chromosome, remove the column called Criterion, and save it as meta-analysis_1_best.txt. Here this file must look like that

     Chromosome      Trait   Model
     1       FT      7

Then, we are ready to use MQTLView:

     $java org.metaqtl.main.MQTLView -m meta-qtl/consensus_map.xml -c 1 \
                                     -r meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1_res.txt \
     				-b meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1_best.txt \
     				-p meta-qtl/images/consensus.par \
     				-o meta-qtl/images/meta-analysis_1
This should give the following picture:


Finally, we can extract for the best model with 7 meta-QTL some useful statistics such like the confidence intervals of the meta-QTL and the a posterori membership probabilities of each observed QTL together with their predicted positions. To do so, use the command QTLClustInfo as follows:

     $java org.metaqtl.main.QTLClustInfo -r meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1_res.txt -c 1 \
                                         -o meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1_info.txt \
     				    -b 7 --kmin 1 --kmax 10 -t FT
Let's have a look to the file meta-analysis_1_info.txt:

     # Meta-QTL Table
     QTL     Position        Weight  Distance        CI(95%) UCI(95%)
     1       32.82   0.07    2.21    12.65   12.65
     2       57.31   0.1     3.47    5.68    22.48
     3       91.52   0.1     1.56    10.07   15.95
     4       108.29  0.26    2.74    5.2     5.13
     5       139.76  0.24    2.43    7.68    16.89
     6       166.86  0.17    7.06    11.75   16.79
     7       235.16  0.06    -       12.89   12.89
     # Observed QTL Table
     QTL   Position   CI(95%)   Predicted   Memberships 1 --> 7
     qplht99 22.2    27.75   32.82   1       0       0       0       0       0       0
     Poupard_2001_DPS_1      35.48   14.31   32.82   1       0       0       0       0       0       0
     Blanc_FXflofch1a        43.91   94      52.53   0.39    0.49    0.08    0.04    0       0       0
     Blanc_DXflofch1 50.07   19.99   57.07   0.01    0.99    0       0       0       0       0
     Bohn_2000_DPS_2 57.42   6.04    57.31   0       1       0       0       0       0       0
     Cardinal_2001_HT_2      73.59   26.11   69.28   0       0.65    0.35    0       0       0       0
     Ribaut_1996_SD_1        94.61   12.78   91.52   0       0       1       0       0       0       0
     Cardinal_2001_DPS_2     85.91   18.97   91.52   0       0       1       0       0       0       0
     Rebai_1997_SD_6 103.51  30.97   106.11  0       0       0.13    0.87    0       0       0
     Cardinal_2001_HT_3      107.09  60.09   106.56  0       0       0.17    0.75    0.07    0       0
     Mechin_2001_SD_1        106.94  50.06   106.72  0       0       0.15    0.82    0.03    0       0
     Blanc_DFflofch1 107.88  54.02   107.35  0       0       0.15    0.8     0.05    0       0
     Rebai_1997_SD_1 104.55  21.44   107.79  0       0       0.03    0.97    0       0       0
     Mechin_2001_SD_2        106.77  23.83   107.95  0       0       0.02    0.98    0       0       0
     Rebai_1997_SD_20        109.73  19.05   108.29  0       0       0       1       0       0       0
     qplht101        108.6   5.76    108.29  0       0       0       1       0       0       0
     Rebai_1997_SD_13        110.77  42.88   108.98  0       0       0.08    0.9     0.03    0       0
     Lubberstedt_1997_HT_2   133.15  35.75   138.82  0       0       0       0.03    0.97    0       0
     Barierre_2005_SD_1      136.24  30.97   139.76  0       0       0       0       1       0       0
     Poupard_2001_DPS_2      132.94  14.31   139.76  0       0       0       0       1       0       0
     Ribaut_1996_SD_2        144.94  12.15   139.76  0       0       0       0       1       0       0
     Ribaut_1996_DPS_1       139.97  21.99   139.76  0       0       0       0       1       0       0
     Rebai_1997_SD_26        135.75  39.32   140.48  0       0       0       0.03    0.97    0.01    0
     Charcosset_unpub_SD_1   150.6   58.33   149.74  0       0       0       0.02    0.65    0.34    0
     Blanc_FXflofch1b        154.13  41      152.5   0       0       0       0       0.53    0.47    0
     Bohn_2000_DPS_1 157.06  34.69   159.54  0       0       0       0       0.27    0.73    0
     Cardinal_2001_DPS_1     172.62  39.16   166.59  0       0       0       0       0.01    0.99    0
     Cardinal_2001_HT_1      161.11  25.24   166.59  0       0       0       0       0.01    0.99    0
     qplht102        183.06  23.01   166.86  0       0       0       0       0       1       0
     Lubberstedt_1997_HT_1   160.36  21.44   166.86  0       0       0       0       0       1       0
     Lubberstedt_1997_HT_3   219.66  26.22   235.16  0       0       0       0       0       0       1
     Moreau_1998_SD_1        241.43  16.7    235.16  0       0       0       0       0       0       1

6.5.2 QTL Tree

Another techniques to group the observed QTL into clusters is to use standard agglomerative clustering technics, although this method does not make it possible to infer the best number of clusters. Nevertheless, it can help to visualize how the observed QTL are distributed along the chromosome.

Let's run the program QTLTree as follows:

     $java org.metaqtl.main.QTLTree -q meta-qtl/consensus_map.xml \
                                    -o meta-qtl/meta-tree.txt \
     			       -t xml/ontology.xml --verbose
This generates one file, meta-tree.txt into the directory meta-qtl. This file contains for each chromosome a summary of the observed QTL positions and then the clustering tree computed by the algorithm in Newick format. For example, for the chromosome 1 this gives something like that:

     CR 1
     TR FT 32
     QT 0 Bohn_2000_DPS_2 57.42 1.54
     QT 1 Bohn_2000_DPS_1 157.06 8.85
     QT 30 Rebai_1997_SD_1 104.55 5.47
     QT 31 Mechin_2001_SD_1 106.94 12.77
     HC (((((0:0.37,19:0.37):2.37,29:2.37):8.51,8:8.51):51.78,(6:14.63,10:14.63):51.78):1046.37,((((((1:1.02,(7:0.07,15:0.07):1

At first sight, it is not really easy to imagine from this file the tree that connects the QTL. To display the tree, we can use the command MQTLView. A good point is that we can visualize together the result of the previous clustering and the obtained tree.

     $java org.metaqtl.main.MQTLView -m meta-qtl/consensus_map.xml -c 1 \
                                     -r meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1_res.txt \
     				-b meta-qtl/meta-analysis_1_best.txt \
     				-p meta-qtl/images/consensus.par \
     				-o meta-qtl/images/meta-analysis_1
     				--tree meta-qtl/meta-tree.txt
Then you should get the following picture:
