[BiO BB] Program for superposition of 3D point sets

Kalidas Yeturu ykalidas at gmail.com
Tue May 12 00:52:23 EDT 2009

Dear All

I would greatly appreciate if you can give a program that optimally
superposes a pair of point sets (3D) and outputs rotation and translation
matrices corresponding to each solution.

I searched to my best in the web but could not find one.

Please do NOT point to
- Protein-Protein superposition web-servers/standalone ones
- Programs that require residues to be contiguous in order to superpose
- Motif search programs
- IEEE/other literature on point set superposition algorithms without
corresponding implementation

I need preferably C/Fortran program or as a last choice a library function
that I can call from other C programs.

Thanking You

With Regards
Kalidas Y

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